Gone are the days when reactive property tax management was enough. With its profile on the rise, property tax must keep pace and adapt to changing demands in today’s dynamic market. Sophisticated solutions start with a solid foundation. Where you position your property tax function within your organization is part of that foundation. You must critically examine your imperatives and how you want this department to interact with others. Most organizations figure this out through trial and error. This whitepaper gives you the property tax management and corporate structure insights that most businesses spend years discovering.
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Enterprise property tax operations, large and small, are undergoing significant change. Two of the biggest change drivers are the need for timely, accurate communications and how data is leveraged and actioned. Property tax management was once a relatively small administrative function tending to operate on traditional manual processes. As modern times call for innovation in the industry, practitioners are increasingly tasked with integrating data and streamlining workflows for more precision throughout the process.
Inevitably, the property tax function becomes more sophisticated, and old methods need to give way to new ones. How stakeholders engage, data is managed and centralized, and technology is leveraged all play critical roles under new modes of operation.
Many variables need to be considered, and a knowledge of how these pieces fit together can unlock strategic and streamlined approaches to managing this increasingly important corporate function.
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